Provision Stores

Everyone loves good food. And for it to be good, it must be stored and treated correctly before it is served. The layout and workflow plan of the provision stores are essential parts of creating a well-functioning catering solution, whether we are talking about a five-star passenger ship or an offshore platform. 

At ALMACO, we offer full turnkey services to develop functional provisions stores with excellent performance. Our technical team has decades of experience of analyzing what size and location the provisions stores should have for different operations. What is the required capacity? What should the workflow look like? How do USPHS regulations apply in these areas? How do we maintain the cool chain during operation? These questions are all considered when we design and build the provisions store areas. When the provision stores are done right, the food stays fresh and healthy for longer and food waste is minimized.

Design that meets regulations

When designing the provisions store areas, it is important to ensure the requested regulations are considered with the other technical requirements. In cruise operations this often means USPHS or similar. ALMACO’s technical team can support you with designing layouts that comply with all requirements that your projects have. This means analyzing what area surfaces to use, what the right food flow is, as well as safety and ergonomics for the crew. We help you select the right material for each project and support you with marine compatible provision area solutions.

Provision store products

We have long experience in engineering, supplying, and installing USPHS compliant provision areas.

ALMACO’s provision store solutions include all food storing areas, main freezer rooms, cold stores, dry stores, small walk-ins inside the galleys, as well as pantries and bars. All sizes are available from small walk-ins to the main storages of several hundred square meters. We make sure the tailor-made solution fits the local geometry just right to maximize space usage. Our provision store solution can be adapted to meet specific needs such as storage areas for wine, vegetables and ice-cream, or any other kind of food or merchandise.

Turnkey delivery and lifecycle services

We are able to support you all the way from the design table to the very end of the provision store lifecycle. During the building phase our supply can consist of visual turnkey delivery including prefabricated panels for the walls and ceiling, floors, doors, shelfs, pallets and lamps. If you prefer our full turnkey package, we are ready to provide you with ALMACO’s steel to steel delivery. This full turnkey delivery also includes piping works, cabling, and ventilations of the provision areas. After the newbuilding is delivered, we remain by your side to support you throughout the entire lifecycle. This covers everything from preventative maintenance to spare parts and service.