Media Coverage

Almaco Group appoints Peter Melander as President of EPC Division

ALMACO is exclusive distributor of PizzaMaster for maritime

Almaco Announces Agreement with PizzaMaster for Marine

Almaco Group will exclusively distribute PizzaMaster ovens for the maritime industry

ALMACO Group Exclusively Distributes PizzaMaster Ovens for the Industry
Almaco Group Delivers Culinary Facilities for Silver Ray

Almaco outfits catering areas onboard Silver Ray

Almaco Group delivers catering systems on board Silver Ray

Almaco Group Delivers Silver Ray’s Catering Area

ALMACO completa dos proyectos para Carnival Jubilee

Revolutionizing Sea Voyages: ALMACO’s Innovative Projects Aboard the Carnival Jubilee

ALMACO Completes Two Projects for Carnival Jubilee

ALMACO Completes Two Projects for Carnival Jubilee

ALMACO completed two projects for Carnival Jubilee at Meyer Werft

ALMACO installed furniture in 1,000 Carnival Jubilee cabins

ALMACO completes two projects for Carnival Jubilee

ALMACO completes two projects for Carnival Jubilee

ALMACO Delivers Galleys and Provision Stores for Silversea’s Silver Nova

ALMACO entrega almacenes de provisiones al buque Silver Nova

ALMACO Delivers Galleys and Provision Stores for Silver Nova, Silversea Cruises

ALMACO Delivers Galleys and Provision Stores for Silver Nova

ALMACO Delivers Galleys and Provision Stores for Silversea’s Silver Nova

ALMACO delivers Silver Nova galleys and provision stores

ALMACO Group Marks 25th Anniversary

ALMACO Group Marks 25th Anniversary

ALMACO Completes Public Spaces & New Food Hall Concept for Marella Voyager

ALMACO reflects on catering refurbishment for Marella Voyager

ALMACO completa remodelación para crucero Marella Voyager

Marella Voyager presenta nuevas mejoras y concepto de comedor renovado
ALMACO Transforms Marella Voyager

ALMACO Awarded at Chantiers Supplier Symposium

Superstructures Built Off-Site are the Way Forward in Shipbuilding

ALMACO Completes Work on Swan Hellenic Ships

ALMACO Finishes Catering Modernization on Westerdam

ALMACO Finishes Catering Modernization on Westerdam

ALMACO Delivers Laundry and Catering Areas for MSC World Europa

Laundry and catering for MSC World Europe, ALMACO takes care of it

ALMACO deliveres laundry and catering areas for MSC World Europa

ALMACO refurbishes cabins and suites onboard Artania

ALMACO upgrades 255 cabins and 64 suites on Phoenix Reisen ship

ALMACO Completes Phoenix Reisen’s Artania Refurbishment

ALMACO Refurbished Cabins and Suites Onboard Artania

ALMACO refurbs Phoenix Reisen’s Artania in drydock

ALMACO renueva camarotes y suites del Artania

Neue Kabinen und Suiten für die Artania

ALMACO: Growing Demand for Cabin Refurbishments

ALMACO has been Contracted to Build Modular Cabins

ALMACO to build cabins for TT-Line’s new Spirit of Tasmania ferries

ALMACO has been contracted to build modular cabins for new Spirit of Tasmania ferries

ALMACO A Key Supplier For Norwegian Prima

ALMACO delivers refrigeration machinery for Norwegian Prima

Ritz-Carlton’s LNG-powered superyachts Ilma and Luminara to be equipped by ALMACO
Chantiers de l’Atlantique contracts ALMACO to provide catering solutions for The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

Chantiers de l’Atlantique contracts ALMACO to provide catering solutions for The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

ALMACO proporcionará soluciones completas para cocinas de superyates de The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

Chantiers de l’Atlantique contracts ALMACO to provide catering solutions

ALMACO providing catering solutions for Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection’s Ilma and Luminara

ALMACO Gets Ritz-Carlton Contract For Newbuilds

ALMACO and SOCAR-STP Sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Azerbaijan
ALMACO sceglie il Quebec per la sua espansione

A world leader in shipbuilding chooses Québec City to settle in Canada

ALMACO chooses Quebec for its expansion

ALMACO chooses Quebec for its expansion
ALMACO escolhe Quebec para sua expansão
ALMACO choisit Québec pour son expansion
ALMACO chose Quebec for its expansion
ALMACO chose Quebec for its expansion

ALMACO choisit Québec pour son expansion

Efter Gloryprojektet – nu bygger Åboföretaget ALMACO hytter för exotiska turer

ALMACO Delivers Catering Systems to Costa Toscana

ALMACO outfits catering and accommodation areas for Viking Glory

Björn Stenwall johtaa laivaprojekteja ympäri maailman – Piispanristillä toimiva ALMACO mukana lähes kaikissa maailman risteilijöissä
ALMACO delivers guest and crew areas to expedition vessel SH Minerva
The Key to Developing Optimal Cruise Ship Galleys

ALMACO provides guest and crew areas onboard SH Minerva

ALMACO Supplies Guest and Crew Areas for New Swan Hellenic Ship

Cabins onboard Swan Hellenic’s SH Minerva fashioned by ALMACO

Coffee Klatch: When Crew Comfort is Crew Performance

Marine Design: The Importance of Pre-development of Galleys

The importance of pre-development of galleys

ALMACO Well Stocked and Prepared for Cruise Refurbishment Work

Improving the guest experience with hotel operations

Perfecting Designs and Layouts for Provision Stores

Perfecting provision stores and layouts on ships

Perfecting Provision Stores and Layouts on Ships

Perfecting Provision Stores and Layouts on Ships
Making Cruise Ship Laundry Sustainable – Interview with Roser Zapata

Finland helps cruise sector find its sea legs after COVID-19

ALMACO Delivers Crew Areas for Expedition Vessel Crystal Endeavor

Crew areas on board Crystal Endeavor outfitted by ALMACO

Finnish firms and researchers pioneering health and safety solutions

Finnish businesses collaborate with cruise companies for safety innovation

Getting It Right: Logistics in Modernisation Projects
Finalmente completato il progetto catering di Iona, gemella della Costa Smeralda

Meyer Werft and ALMACO Complete Catering Project for New Iona

Meyer Werft and ALMACO complete catering project for P&O cruises’ vessel Iona

Insights: Disease Prevention During Ship Construction

ALMACO: Cabin Prefabrication Without Owning a Cabin Factory

ALMACO outfits onboard spaces for MSC Virtuosa

ALMACO delivers provision stores and waiter stations for MSC Virtuosa at Chantiers de l’Atlantique

ALMACO Delivers Provision Stores & Waiter Stations For MSC Virtuosa

ALMACO Delivers Provision Stores and Waiter Stations for MSC Virtuosa

Lifecycle concepts that reduce costs

Kustannuksia vähentävät elinkaarikonseptit

Viking Gloryn rakennustyö etenee

Right people and knowledge key to successful drydocking – Interview with Erik Schobesberger

ALMACO takes on new territories and product categories

ALMACO: 5 Tips for streamlining works during project design and preparation phase

ALMACO va participer au programme BRF

Chantiers de L’Atlantique Chooses ALMACO for FLOTLOG Supply Ships

Åboföretaget ALMACO levererar interiörer till franska marinens proviantfartyg

Katsaus: Kiinan laivanrakennus ja Suomi

ALMACO toimittaa keittiöt ja kylmätilat Ranskan merivoimien uusin aluksiin

Chantiers de l’Atlantique chooses ALMACO for Flotlog visual turnkey project

ALMACO Shares Tips on Successful Project Completion

5 Tips to Streamline Work During Project Design & Prep

Marine- ja offshore -ratkaisujen toimittaja ALMACO ja Genano solmivat kumppanuussopimuksen

Is remote prefabrication of superstructures becoming the preferred turnkey model?

Blog by ALMACO: Is remote prefabrication of superstructures becoming the preferred turnkey model?

Turning to remote prefabrication for superstructures

ALMACO Brings Genano Air Decontamination Tech to Maritime

ALMACO Brings Genano Air Decontamination Tech to Maritime

ALMACO partnership con Genano per la decontaminazione dell’aria

ALMACO and Finnish air purification provider Genano sign partnership agreement

ALMACO Signs Partnership For Air Decontamination Tech

New Saga ship features catering areas installed by ALMACO

Meyer Werft and ALMACO Complete Catering Project for New Saga Ship

ALMACO provides catering solutions for Saga Cruises’ Spirit of Adventure

Meyer Werft and ALMACO complete Catering Project for The Spirit of Adventure

Meyer Werft y ALMACO completan proyecto de catering para The Spirit of Adventure

The Top 10 Most Disruptive Maritime Solution Providers 2020

ALMACO: Helping Clients Sail through Dynamic Tradewinds

ALMACO and Helsinki Shipyard collaborate on Swan Hellenic newbuilds

Swan Hellenic orders third vessel – ALMACO to design cabins

Åboföretaget ALMACO skär ner – men utvecklar samtidigt nytt

ALMACO equipará cabinas y áreas públicas de cruceros de Swan Hellenic

Helsinki Shipyard chose ALMACO to design, build and deliver cabins and crew public areas for two luxury expedition vessels

ALMACO to design cabins and crew public areas for Swan Hellenic vessels

ALMACO to Provide Crew & Cabins for Two Vessels at Helsinki Shipyards

ALMACO To Produce Cabins and More for Swan Hellenic

ALMACO to design and build crew and passenger cabins for Swan Hellenic’s expedition ships

ALMACO chosen to deliver new Swan Hellenic cabins

Helsinki Shipyard chose ALMACO to design, build and deliver cabins and crew public areas for Swan Hellenic’s expedition vessels

ALMACO to Provide Crew & Cabins for Two Vessels at Helsinki Shipyards

Helsinki Shipyard chose ALMACO to design, build and deliver cabins and crew public areas for two luxury expedition vessels

Overcoming Challenges with Long Lead Time Materials in Refit Projects

Reviving the refurbishment market in challenging times

Overcoming Challenges with Long Lead Time Materials in Refit Projects

Thomas Lundberg has been elected to ALMACO Group’s Board of Directors

Seatrade Cruise Talks: Strategies for the Manufacturer and Supplier Community during COVID-19

Cold Lay-Up Presents Challenges for Equipment Onboard

Superyacht Design: Are owners shifting to streamlined design and production?

YSA Design and ALMACO agree ship restaurants need radical concept overhaul

ALMACO: The future of Buffets step by step

How Will Cruise Lines Serve Food in the COVID-19 Era?

Redesigned Buffets Will Need to Convey Sense of Safety

ALMACO remodela camarotes del Carnival Elation

ALMACO completes Carnival Elation refit project

ALMACO Group expands its operations to Germany

ALMACO utvidgar till Tyskland — Björn Stenwall ny vd sedan nyår

Things You Need to Know About Galley Maintenance Plans

ALMACO Group avaa toimiston Saksaan

ALMACO gründet deutsches Tochterunternehmen

Turkulainen ALMACO avaa yhdeksännen tytäryhtiön Saksaan

ALMACO Lands SeaDream Innovation Deal

ALMACO Delivers Galley Equipment and More for Roald Amundsen

ALMACO Delivers and Installs New Suites for Crystal Serenity

ALMACO to Provide Cabins and Galleys for New Viking Line Ferry

ALMACO Builds and Install Cabins for Mariner Refit

ALMACO to Install Cabins and More for Genting’s Global Class

Meyer Turku selects ALMACO galleys for Costa’s pair of LNG-powered ships

ALMACO Wins Contract for Galleys on New Costa Ships

Resolve Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) Vessel

ALMACO Provides New Staterooms for Carnival Elation at Grand Bahama Shipyard

ALMACO to Supply Provision Stores for New AIDA Ships

Davie Forges Partnership with World-leading Marine Accommodation Specialists