ALMACO hires new CDO to develop digital services
ALMACO’s goal is to offer our customers the best solutions and digital services for marine and offshore catering and accommodation areas. Let us introduce François Maugis, our new Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, who will help us reach this goal.
ALMACO is an industry leader in providing full turnkey solutions for the hospitality and interior living areas of ships and offshore structures. By recruiting Francois Maugis and incorporating digital services in newbuild and modernization deliveries, we ensure we will stay ahead of the game in our field of business. ALMACO already now provides digital services during every phase of the product lifecycle, and we aim to be recognized as the industry leader in developing and offering digital solutions.
“We have been looking for someone with extensive experience and knowledge in digitalization projects and implementations that can take us further in our digitalization journey. François has an impressive track-record in this area, and we feel confident he will succeed in his endeavors at ALMACO,” says Björn Stenwall, CEO & President at ALMACO Group.
“I am delighted to join ALMACO and open a new chapter in my professional life that I hope will last for many years to come,” says François Maugis, new Vice President and Chief Digital Officer at ALMACO. He continues, “I am really looking forward to improving ALMACO’s position as a leader in digitalization and digital services in the maritime industry. Our target is to become a data-driven company that provides benefits for our customers all over the world by helping them become more efficient and sustainable in their operations.”
For more information, contact

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