Public Areas
Whether on a large high-end cruise ship or an offshore rig, the public areas onboard serve an essential function. They represent spaces that bring people together in an environment that needs to be comfortable, safe and functional. Designing and building public areas requires a deep understanding of how the passengers, crew members or offshore workers interact and use the space. While the spaces should bring people together, the importance of avoiding crowds and ensuring free passage and efficient air flow are increasingly important.

For cruise ship operators, public spaces represent the core part of the business. They are the main areas where passengers experience the services and entertainment the cruise line has to offer. They are the main revenue drivers and brand differentiators. Public spaces are the first impression the passengers get of a ship and they are the areas where the passengers spend most of their active time during a cruise.
For the people that work onboard a ship or on a rig, accommodation and public spaces are their home away from home. It is where they spend most of their free time to engage with friends and co-workers. The public areas have a major impact on well-being and comfort and thereby directly affect the productivity of the staff.
Different purposes, similar requirements
Although all vessels are different and have different purposes and requirements for their public spaces, they all use similar protocols for hygiene, safety, and escape routes. Whatever the purpose of the vessel or rig, the public spaces are created for people. And for people to enjoy them and thrive in them, the interior quality must be high and the spaces functional and enjoyable, no matter if the setting is a megayacht or an offshore rig.
Turnkey delivery of all public areas
We want to guarantee our customers consistent and uniform interior quality throughout the vessel. ALMACO can handle large scale projects consisting of full vessel outfitting even for large cruise vessels.
Having one single turnkey provider take care of all public areas has benefits regardless of the size and nature of the project. Newbuild and modernization projects all benefit from having less interfaces and better overall project control. Shipyards can lower their risk by relying on one experienced contractor to manage the areas instead of managing many different suppliers and subcontractors.
Public area References »
Viking Mississippi
Accommodation refurbishment project that consisted of 81 crew cabins, 193 passenger cabins and new ADA public toilet on deck 2.
Modernization of public areas, installation of new galleys, major modifications in the main galley and four completely new bars and cafes
Marella Voyager
Visual turnkey refurbishment of public spaces and buffets including the modernization of restaurants, food hall, and buffet lines, as well as part of the background works. Approximately 2300 m2 on deck 11 aft. Equipment replacement in the galley.
Public area Highlights
ALMACO Group Completes Extensive Refurbishment on The Aroya
ALMACO Group is proud to announce the successful completion of a comprehensive refurbishment project on the cruise vessel Aroya, owned by AROYA Cruises. The vessel, which underwent extensive renovati...
ALMACO completes public spaces and new food hall concept for Marella Voyager
ALMACO Group has successfully delivered a full turnkey refurbishment project for Marella Cruises’ vessel Marella Voyager at Navantia Yard in Cadiz, Spain. The project was completed on May 24, 2023,...
ALMACO delivers modernization of recreation and crew areas to exclusive superyacht
In October 2022, a privately owned superyacht, was delivered to our client Nautech with a rebuilt background including fire insulation, new floors, and sub-structures for walls and ceilings for publi...